Sunday, June 17, 2012

Goin' for the Gold!!

Terry competed in the California Senior Olympics at Long Beach and wanted so badly to win a gold medal in the time trials.  He had previously won silver and bronze but no gold.  So this past year he set up a strenuous training schedule and it paid off - he won Gold!  Becky took a few days off of work to come and support papa - it was so fun  to have them there!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter fun at grandma's house

Jamie and Bryson enjoying a movie together!

Creative cousins!

Making Easter cookies


This one is a little blurry - but you get the point!

I have pictures of Kim and Jeff thru the years posing at this same place on their birthdays - some day I will get around to posting them chronologically!

Comparing tummies! Unfortunately, you can't see Kim's very well!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The first daffodils of the year! I usually have to wait until March for a bouquet - not mid-February!

Monday, December 26, 2011


The girls modeling the hats grandma made them for Christmas!

Frank and Tanner as"twinners" so they can be matchy-matchy when they go to the Giants games next year!
Decorating Christmas cookies with Grandma!
The Zufelt kids are very artistic and the cookies looked beautiful!

My FIRST Limo ride! For our 48th anniversary the kids got together and gave us a limo ride to one of our favorite restaurants - Zachary Jaques! Thank you everyone!